Frequently Asked QuestionsGeneral InformationThe PJIP is a interactive database designed to help researchers navigate the world of academic publishing. By consolidating and standardising information—such as journal rankings, acceptance rates, response times, word/page limits, and open-access status—the PJIP helps researchers to make informed decisions about where to submit their work. See our Indexing page for all of the information about supplying data to the project. The PJIP is an independent initiative led by a single director, supported by numerous academics and researchers, in collaboration with some of the world’s largest academic organisations. For more details, visit our People page. The PJIP is funded through a combination of sources, inclduing: Technical SupportIf the Directory or Ranking Index seems stuck and doesn't load completely, this is often due to technical updates on our platform. The issue typically resolves itself within a few hours. Data InquiriesOur data is obtained from a number of reliable sources, including: Yes! All of the data collected by the PJIP is openly accessible and will soon be available for direct download from the site under a CC BY 4.0 license. Until then, feel free to email us, and we’ll be happy to provide the requested data. |